Image of Quay Dash via "These Female Rappers won't be Defined by Industry Sexism"
Quay Dash - "No Drama" video premiere via Fader
Refinery29: Quay Dash is your New Favorite Rapper
Bryn Barnett: Algorhythm EP cover
Sweety's Radio: Ediciôn Especial with Cecilia Gentili
cecilia gentili for gogo graham fw 17 on DIS
artwork for MARCELLINE & TRNSGNDR/VHS - THE FEMININE WRATH (HVMIX010) via halcyon veil
Resident Advisor Mix of the Day
writing for lily and honglei: JFLUX exhibition catalog at jamaica center for arts and learning
walker art center teen arts council alumni show
quay dash "you make me cray" bullet media premiere
sofia moreno: tropical winter at weinberg/newton gallery
feature in american chordata issue 2
feature in musée magazine by elisabeth biondi
feature in photograph magazine by elisabeth biondi
feature and interview in FACTS zine issue 7
images of abdu ali featured on AFROPUNK
interview and images for dazeddigital
id online: gogo graham's demona resort 16
posture mag issue 1 release party/pride exhibition at city bird gallery
feature on capricious: photographer of the week #95 by kelly surdo
ser/gogo/me featured on nick knight's showstudio, curated by hair nef
me in "love letters" by leah james